Sunday, 17 February 2019

Benefits of Drinking Milk Everyday.

Small and large people like to eat milk. Milk is the ideal food. Milk has a lot of nutritional value which benefits us very much. Let us know what are the benefits of breastfeeding.

#1. Cow's milk-force and nutrition, enhances intellectual and longevity, reduces erosion, arthritis, bile, blood glucose and poison defects.

#2. Goat milk - easily digested. Reducing stress, decreasing diarrhea, decreasing bile, fever, decay, and red blood cells.

#3. Buffalo milk - It is digested late, say, sperm, cough and sleep. Reduces blood, piles and burns.

#4. Sow the milk - very nutritious. Ball, semen, sperm, cuff and creeps increase strength,
Reduces air and blood piles.

#5. It causes damage to vomiting, vomiting, poison, arthritis, thirsty fever, hemorrhage, diarrhea, meh, pandemic, fistula, urine, scarring, spleen, laryngeal air, scurvy bleeding bile disease, delusions, and weaknesses in summer.

#6. Chana- It is digested late, increase air and increase sleep. Many diabetic diseases

#7. Very useful for butter-eye. Increasing Venus, blood piles damage the heart disease.

#8. Increased taste and digestion enhances energy, enhances intellect and talent. Arthritis reduces the bile. Venus is very beneficial for eyes.

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