Saturday, 16 February 2019

How to be fat easily Best tips.

Where the smoke of the leaning around the world, there are tips on fat? Are you surprised? You will be surprised but not many. Rather, these weight-raising tips will bring a relief for him.
It is often heard from physically weaker people that how fat can be eaten, but can not be fat.

There are 6 ways to increase weight for you

#1. Nuts and raisins rise in the morning
There is no substitute for nuts and kidneys for weight gain. While sleeping at night, keep half a cup of almond and kimmis in a little water. If they swell during the night, eat it.

#2. Eat has plenty of vegetables and fruits
They think they are eaten for weight loss, right? It will also help you increase the weight, but the fruit and vegetables will help you. There are many fruits and vegetables that are high in calories. Mango, jackfruit, litchi, banana, ripe papaya, sweet pumpkin, sweet potato, raw banana etc, fruits and vegetables will increase weight gain.
If your weight does not increase without these, then definitely contact a good doctor. Because there is a dormant disease, but it can lead to sick and broken health.

#3. Increase the amount of food
Increasing the amount of food does not mean eating a lot. If you are lean due to low consumption, then you have to increase the amount of food. Eat what you eat naturally, by eating 1 percent of its 4 percent food every day.

#4. Repeat eating habit
Many people think that by playing repeatedly, weight will increase. That's not right. Rather than adhering to the rules, eat the stomach. Metabolism reduces when the stomach is eaten, so that a lot of caloric intake of food will be added to body weight. Feeding a few times repeatedly increases metabolism, resulting in weight loss.

#5. Put food on the list of underwater oils fried foods
Frozen foods contain plenty of fat. As a result, it is helpful to increase weight. But keep up with lots of fresh spinach salads.

#6. Practice going to the gym
Think people go to the gym, reduce weight, why not go to increase? But the real thing is that it will not be fat only. Well organized body is to be prepared with. You will go to the gym to make muscle, and if men want to increase the weight, then going to this gym is really very fruitful. Muscle weight is much more than fat, as well as exercise will get hungry and you can eat it. But of course, an experienced trainer will have to exercise. Otherwise the fear of reversal would be the opposite.

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